Music Ministries
We are a music loving church! The primary goal of our church music is to engage people each week in the active worship of God through music and to reinforce our faith as we express what we believe in song. Music education is a side goal. Our greater desire is to involve as many of our congregation and friends as possible—all who wish to participate in the music opportunities we offer.
The sanctuary choir provides anthems for most Sunday morning worship services and helps lead in congregational singing. While our services are traditional in style, the choir sings a variety of musical genre—classical, hymn arrangements, newly composed anthems, spirituals, ethnic pieces, and contemporary Christian numbers. We meet weekly for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 pm.
Handbell Choir
Our church handbell choir provides musical opportunities for both musicians and non-musicians. The Bellissimo Handbell Ensemble rehearses Wednesdays at 6:40 p.m. before choir rehearsal and plays in the morning service about once a month.
If you are interested in any of these music ministries, please call or email our church office – see the contact page.