Children’s Ministry
Welcome to our Children’s Ministry page! At Toccoa Presbyterian, we believe children are a gift from God! As a Christ-centered ministry, our Children’s Ministry has created an environment of Christian development, and growth.
We actually take the very early steps in teaching our children how to worship and trust God.
Our deepest desire is for all parents to feel confident that their children are loved and nurtured in the ways of God. Then they can fully participate in the life of our church.
Children’s Sunday School is held at 9:45 Sunday mornings. The class includes music, prayer, Bible memorization, learning Bible stories and applying the lessons found in them, as well as learning the basic tenets of the Christian faith. Children are introduced to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraged to develop a personal relationship with God.
Please let us know if you plan to visit our church by calling or emailing us – see the contact page.
Or let us know when you come for a visit that you have your children with you!